Our uniform, consists of the Scout activity trousers with the Scouting belt and a Scout shirt. There are many outlets that these can be purchased online. Unless otherwise informed, full uniform is required at all meetings.

Scouts uniform
- Long Sleeve Uniform Shirt
- Scout Activity Trousers
- Belt and Buckle – option one or option two
These links are all from the Scout Shop. Other suppliers/places to try are:
- The Scout and Guide Shop
- One Stop Scouting:
- Amazon
- Glasgow Scout Shop
- Angels Uniform Shop, Rayners Lane
Occasionally parents return old uniform to us, so you can check our stock. You can even source other places such as eBay and Freecycle.

Points are awarded to each patrol for their punctuality and uniform. By the same token, if a Scout is not present for inspection, they loose points for their Patrol and missing items from uniform also loose points. At the end of each term, the aim is to have a “winning patrol”.
When a Scout is invested into the Troop they will be presented with the 17th Harrow Group scarf.
Investiture badges
The 17th Harrow will provide a scarf (necker) and badges when your child is invested into the Group.
The round membership badge
The group tape name
The combined County/area/region badge & District badge
These will need to be sewn onto the uniform… ideally by the Scout!