Young Leaders
A Young Leader is an Explorer Scout who has volunteered to help out a Scout section and is involved as part of the leadership team of that section. There are elements of training that they can take part in. Young Leaders can also help out with other sections (Cubs or Beavers).
Senior Patrol Leaders (SPL)
A Senior Patrol Leader is an older Scout who has shown that they have the experience and leadership skills to act as a Patrol Leader for the whole troop.
As a result, they do not have a patrol flash on their scout uniform, and stand with the leaders during meeting ceremonies.
Both SPLs and YLs expected to behave responsibly and set a good example to all other Scouts in the Troop.
In addition, there are other ways that they can support the leaders and the troop at meetings and events. Examples for these are as follows:
- Make sure flag is ready for flag break.
- Allocate points to first patrol ready for flag break and down.
- Organise a game at the beginning of the evening.
- Stand either with Leaders or at various points around the hall
- Guide Patrol Leaders (PL’s) if necessary.
- Organise Patrol Leader Forums each term.
- Report problems to Leaders.
- Using the knowledge base that you already have, assist with programme planning and camps.
- Be a good role model for the Troop.
- Have FUN