Most of the badges Beaver Scouts earn are achieved during our weekly meetings. However, there are some badges that they can aim to achieve for activities that they do at home.

At home Beavers can earn:

Animal Friend
Book Reader Builder


Collector Cyclist Gardener


Hobbies Money Skills Photographer

Click the image for a link to the badge requirements

And elements of:
Sports Activity badge – Element 1 & 2 will be completed with other Beavers, but other part can be done at home: element 3) Take part in a sport or physical activity regularly for at least six weeks; element 4) Take part in a match, competition, show or pass an exam or achieve a grading for that element 5) Take part in a match, competition, show or pass an exam or achieve a grading for that sport.

There are some “Staged Badges” that Beaver Scouts can earn themselves: Digital Citizen, Digital Maker, Information Technology, Musician, Nautical Skills, Paddle Sports, Sailing, Snowsports, Swimming and Time on the Water.
Whilst we may include some of these in our programme, these badges are individual to the person rather than to a Scout-led activity, this means that a young person can gain whichever badge is appropriate to the level they have reached. It is possible, for example, for a Beaver Scout who is an excellent swimmer to gain a higher level badge than a Scout who has just taken up the activity.
Air Activities Community Impact Digital Maker
If you are with a swim school,

please get your


to complete the form below

Musician Swimmer swimmers badge for sign off form

If you are with a swim school, please get your teacher/instruction to complete this form

swimmers badge for sign off form

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more